Data Sources


Meteorological data can be obtained from numerous sources.

Agricultural Weather Networks

Network Supporting Organization Coverage
CoAgMet Colorado State University Colorado
AZMET University of Arizona Arizona
AgWeatherNet Washington State University Washington
AgWeatherNet | Washington State University | Washington |
AgriMet-GP Bureau of Reclamation Great Plains Regional Office Montana
AgriMet-PN Bureau of Reclamation Pacific Northwest Regional Office Washington, Oregon, California (northern), Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana
CIMIS California Department of Water Resources California
NICE Net Desert Research Institute Nevada
West Texas Mesonet Texas Tech University Texas (western)

Other Weather Networks

Network Supporting Organization Coverage
Montana Mesonet University of Montana Montana
TexMesonet Texas Water Development Board Texas
Lower Colorado River Authority Hydromet Lower Colorado River Authority (TX) Texas (Colorado River Basin)
Kansas Mesonet Kansas State University Kansas
Nebraska Mesonet University of Nebraska, Lincoln Nebraska
Mesonet University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University Oklahoma

Multi-Network Sources

Source Supporting Organization Coverage
MesoWest and SynopticLabs University of Utah United States
Integrated Surface Database NOAA National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) Global


Study Area

HUC8 and HUC10 features can be extracted from the full - [USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset]( (WBD) geodatabase. A subset of the WBD HUC polygons can downloaded using the [USDA Geospatial Data Gateway]( or the full dataset can be downloaded using the [USGS FTP](

County features can be downloaded from the [USDA Geospatial Data Gateway]( For the zonal stats prep tool to work, the shapefile must have a field called “COUNTYNAME”. Other county features (such as the [US Census Cartographic Boundary Shapefiles]( could eventually be supported (or the name field could be manually changed to COUNTYNAME).

The GRIDMET grid cells can be constructed how?

Crop Type Data

Cropland Data Layer (CDL)

The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) is a product of the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) with the mission “to provide timely, accurate and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture” (Boryan et al 2011). The CDL is a crop-specific land cover classification product of more than 100 crop categories grown in the United States developed using remote sensing. The CDL can be downloaded using NASS’s CropScape tool. Updates about and references for the CDL can be found at NASS. A version of the CDL has been released annually from 1994-Present.

## Soils Data

The average agricultural area available water capacity (AWC) and hydrologic soils group are needed for each ET cell/unit. The hydrologic soils group can be estimated based on the percent sand and clay for each ET cell/unit.

The AWC, percent clay, and percent sand data cannot (currently) be directly downloaded. The easiest way to obtain these soils data is to download the [STATSGO] ( database for the target state(s) using the [USDA Geospatial Data Gateway]( Shapefiles of the soil properties can be extracted using the [NRCS Soil Data Viewer]( The [SURGO]( databases can also be used, but these typically cover a smaller area and may have areas of missing data.

It may also be possible to used the gridded SSRUGO data, but this has not been tested.

Add additional details about which options were used in the Soil Data Viewer

To use the soil prep tools, the soils data must be provided as separate shapefiles for each product. The names of the soil shapefiles are hard coded in the script as “{}_WTA_0to152cm_statsgo.shp”, where {} can be “AWC”, “Clay”, or “Sand” (see [Model Structure]( For each shapefile, the value field name is hardcoded as the upper case of the property (i.e. “AWC”, “CLAY”, or “SAND”).