Analysis Tools

ETDemands provides post-processing tools to assist with summarizing and viewing the raw daily, monthly, and annual .csv datasets. In general, there are two types of outputs: Timeseries Plots and Summary Shapefiles

The timeseries scripts analyze specific crops and years to create interactive .html plots that can be used to visualize temporal patterns or changes in the data. Each .html plot contains all the data used to generate the plot and can be easily shared with team members and stakeholders.

The shapefile scripts batch the output .csv files into spatial summaries that can be visualized with any standard GIS software (e.g. ArcGIS, QGIS). Each output shapefile will contain summary statistics for each ET Zone for the crop(s) and year(s) of interest.

Note: Many of these tools offer options to process single or multiple years. Passing the “-h” argument to each script will display input argument options.

Timeseries Tools

Daily Timeseries (

This analysis tool creates an .html time series figure from the daily ETact/ETbas/ETr, Kc/Kcb, PPT/Irrigation datasets. A figure is generated for each ET Zone/Crop combination. Input arguments for start/end date and crop allow the user to only process specific date ranges and crops. Output figures can be found in the ‘daily_plots’ subfolder. The following input arguments can be specified to customize the output:

-i, --ini ini_path (str): file path of project INI file
--show figure_show_flag (bool): if True, show figures
--save figure_save_flag (bool): if True, save figures
--size figure_size (tuple): width, height of figure in pixels
--start start_date (str): ISO format date string (YYYY-MM-DD)
--end end_date (str): ISO format date string (YYYY-MM-DD)
-c, --crops crop_str (str): comma separate list or range of crops to compare

Average Annual Timeseries (

The groupstats timeseries script averages daily input data from multiple years and creates a single average annual timeseries plot of ETact/ETr, Kc, and Kcb information for each ET Zone/crop combination. This timeseries plot includes 25th, 50th, 75th percentile information. Output figures can be found in the ‘daily_plots’ subfolder. The following input arguments can be specified to customize the output:

-i, --ini ini_path (str): file path of project INI file
--show figure_show_flag (bool): if True, show figures
--save figure_save_flag (bool): if True, save figures
--size figure_size (tuple): width, height of figure in pixels
--start start_date (str): ISO format date string (YYYY-MM-DD)
--end end_date (str): ISO format date string (YYYY-MM-DD)
-c, --crops crop_str (str): comma separate list or range of crops to compare

Shapefile Summary Tools

Summary Shapefiles (

This analysis tool converts the daily output .csv files into crop specific summary shapefiles for viewing and analysis of the spatial distribution of evaporation. Specific time periods can be specified to process statistics for annual, growing season (as determined by ETDemands), or custom day of year ranges. The output shapefiles contain ‘ET (ETo or ETr)’, ‘ETact’, ‘ETpot’, ‘ETbas’, ‘Kc’, ‘Kcb’, ‘PPT’, ‘Irr’, ‘Runoff’, ‘DPerc’, ‘NIWR’, ‘Season’ information for each ET Zone containing the crop of interest.

Summary shapefiles can be created for a specific year of interest or for a range of years using “year filter” input argument. Note that both mean (‘_mn’) and median (‘_mdn’) statistics are output for each variable. If only one year is specified, mean and median statistics are the identical. Output files can be found in the ‘summary_shapefiles’ folder where ‘summary_YYYY’ or ‘summary_YYYYtoYYYY’ specifies the minimum and maximum years included in the analysis. The following input arguments can be specified to customize the summary output:

-i, --ini ini_path (str): file path of the project INI file
-y, -year year_filter (list): include specific years in summary (single YYYY or range YYYY:YYYY)
-t, --time_filter
 time_filter (str): ‘annual’ (default), ‘growing_season’, ‘doy’
-s, --start_doy
 start_doy (int): starting julian doy (inclusive)
-e, --end_doy end_doy (int): ending julian doy (inclusive)

*start and end doy of year must be included when using the ‘doy’ time_filter

Cropweighted Summary Shapefile (

This analysis tool converts the daily output .csv files into cropweighted summary shapefiles for viewing and analysis of the spatial distribution of evaporation and net irrigation water requirements (NIWR). Specific Time periods can be specified to process statistics for annual, growing season (as determined by ETDemands), or custom day of year ranges. The output shapefiles contain the standard ‘ETCells’ shapefile information as well as cropweighted ‘ETact’, ‘NIWR’ information for each ET Zone.

Cropweighted shapefiles can be created for a specific year of interest or for a range of years using “year filter” input argument. Note that both mean (‘_mn’) and median (‘_mdn’) statistics are output for each variable. If only one year is specified, mean and median statistics are the identical. Output files can be found in the ‘cropweighted_shapefiles’ folder where ‘cropweighted_YYYY’ or ‘cropweighted_YYYYtoYYYY’ specifies the years included in the analysis. Each specific .shp within the subfolders contains the specific time period information (annual, growing season, doy range) in the filename. The following input arguments can be specified to customize the output:

-i, --ini ini_path (str): file path of the project INI file
-y, -year year_filter (list): include specific years in summary (single YYYY or range YYYY:YYYY)
-t, --time_filter
 time_filter (str): ‘annual’ (default), ‘growing_season’, ‘doy’
-s, --start_doy
 start_doy (int): starting julian doy (inclusive)
-e, --end_doy end_doy (int): ending julian doy (inclusive)

*start and end doy of year must be included when using the ‘doy’ time_filter

Miscellaneous Summary Tools

Growing Season Summary (

This script processing the daily output files to summarize growing season length and cutting information for each ET Zone/crop combination. Two summary .csv files are generated:

‘growing_season_full_summary.csv’ contains information for ET Zone/crop growing season information for each year included in the analysis.

‘growing_season_mean_annual.csv’ contains averages of all years included in the analysis.

Both .csv files can be found in the ‘growing_season_stats’ folder. The following input arguments can be specified to customize the output:

-i, --ini ini_path (str): file path of project INI file
--start start_date (str): ISO format date string (YYYY-MM-DD)
--end end_date (str): ISO format date string (YYYY-MM-DD)
-c, --crops crop_str (str): comma separate list or range of crops to compare